The 80S32 validation board was specifically developed for performing functional and performance validation of the 80S32 microcontroller, under an ESA contract. The FPGA based architecture of the board includes various components and peripheral devices for exercising the microcontroller under different conditions of varying voltage, temperature and operating frequency. A successful radiation campaign was performed using the board to determine the radiation sensitivity of engineering devices against Single Event Upsets (SEU). |
80S32 Validation Board key features
- FPGA based architecture configured to act a s a traffic handler between the various peripheral interfaces or providing stimuli to the microcontroller.
- Socketed device under test.
- Various memory devices: DDR, Flash, SRAM.
- Five UART interfaces.
- Programmable user interfaces: switches, LEDs, LCD screen, keypad.
- Reconfigurable, multiple output power supply section.
- PCI-X compatible card edge connection with embedded PCI-X IP core.